Visitor's Recommended Reading List
Thanks so much for participating!!
Monday, 10-Nov-03 22:02:46 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 08-Nov-03 16:04:13 EST Name: Lowell Hanson Email: lkh35@earthlink.net
Book #1: The Gospel of John Author: Attributed to John the Beloved Disciple
Book #2: I Dare You Author: William H. Danforth
Book #3: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Comments: |
Saturday, 08-Nov-03 12:30:43 EST Name: jillian Email: jillianreubens@mail.com
Book #1: god calling Author: edited by A. J. Russell
Book #2: your faith is your fortune Author: neville
Book #3: awakened imagination Author: nevelle
Comments: god calling changed me I followed the tachings and many things changed me and begun to happen. When i stop things go back to being a mess....although it dos'nt appear to be a spiritual book with obvious teachings in its guidance lies the truth. |
Wednesday, 05-Nov-03 23:15:12 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: A Course in Miracles Author: Jesus Christ
Book #2: The Disappearance of the Universe Author: Gary Renard
Book #3: Alcoholics Anonymous Author:
Comments: Sermon on the Mount by Emmett Fox
The Door of Everything by Ruby Nelson
The Dragon doesn't Live Here Anymore by Alan Cohen |
Saturday, 01-Nov-03 23:10:12 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 30-Oct-03 13:49:08 EST Name: D Sharp Email: dor70@boltblue.com
Book #1: Our Kate Author: Catherine Cookson
Book #2: The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius Author:
Book #3: To Sleep no More Author: Dinah Lampitt
Comments: |
Thursday, 30-Oct-03 02:36:22 EST Name: Demetris Williams Email: mawaasi@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Holy Quran Author: Allah
Book #2: Law of Success Author: Napoleon Hill
Book #3: Master Key System Author: Charles Haanel
Comments: These three books are extremely powerful when one is on a quest to find purpose, lifes work or personal power. |
Wednesday, 29-Oct-03 21:36:10 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 26-Oct-03 01:01:03 EDT Name: Bruce Email: brumcg@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Giving Tree Author: Shell Silverstein
Book #2: Little House On The Prarie Author: Laura Ingals Wilder
Book #3: Charlottes Web & Stuart Little Author: E.B. White
Comments: OK 4! These are the most powerful books I ever read.
Reading them for my kids did something that no other book
has been able to do.
Other great books are; Street Lawyer (J. Grisham)
Creative Visualization (S. Gawain) Being Peace (T.N. Hanh)
As A Man Thinketh (J. Allen) Miracles & Affirmations by
Stuart Wilde. And my diary as a book. If you don't keep a
diary start today. How else can you remember what you did
3 years ago today. bye! |
Saturday, 25-Oct-03 01:04:32 EDT Name: steve Email: apexhunt@comcast.net
Book #1: As a man thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: Psychocybernetics Author: Maxwell Maltz
Book #3: The Bible Author: Many
Comments: |
Monday, 13-Oct-03 23:09:12 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Gospel of Stl John Author: New Testament
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: The Sorry Tale Author: Patience Worth
Comments: |
Sunday, 05-Oct-03 18:11:27 EDT Name: Kevin Cranney Email: kevin_cranney@post.com
Book #1: The Book of Mormon Author:
Book #2: The New Testament Author:
Book #3: The Doctrine and Covenants Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 03-Oct-03 05:19:12 EDT Name: Danielle DuPree Email: basketballgdess@aol.com
Book #1: To Kill a Mocking Bird Author: Harper Lee
Book #2: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Author: Mark Twain
Book #3: Story of a Nbdy & the Pursuit to Bcme a Smbdy Author: Matt Murphy
Comments: The Story of a Nobody and the Pursuit to Become a Somebody.
Matt Murphy
http://www.geocities.com/wlw_all_that_mm/ |
Thursday, 02-Oct-03 03:46:14 EDT Name: dave from oz Email: westbo@ihug.com.au
Book #1: conversations with God Author: neale donald walsch
Book #2: frienship with God Author: neale donald walsch
Book #3: The florence scovel shinn books Author: florence scovel shinn
Comments: must reads |
Saturday, 27-Sep-03 05:18:33 EDT Name: terrence Email: chefroget@qwest.net
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Sky's the Limit Author: Wayne Dyer
Book #3: It Works Author: ?
Comments: |
Saturday, 27-Sep-03 05:18:33 EDT Name: terrence Email: b
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Sky's the Limit Author: Wayne Dyer
Book #3: It Works Author: ?
Comments: |
Wednesday, 24-Sep-03 20:04:28 EDT Name: Sonja Elen Kisa Email: sonja@kisa.ca
Book #1: Maldoror Author: Lautréamont
Book #2: Dao De Jing Author: Laozi
Book #3: French-English Dictionary Author: Collins
Comments: |
Tuesday, 23-Sep-03 12:34:39 EDT Name: Eswar Perunkulam Email: rajanieswar@hotmail.com
Book #1: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: Magic of Believing Author: Claude Bristol
Book #3: The Big Picture Author: Ben Carson
Comments: The Books I have listed above are some of the few books which truly touched me. It was a tough choice to list for there are many Great books to read.
I would recommend any book which has collection of Speech/Talk given by Swami Vivekananda.
Saturday, 20-Sep-03 15:23:24 EDT Name: Maggie Email: maggie002@msn.com
Book #1: Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood Author: Merlin Stone
Book #2: East of Eden Author: John Stein Back
Book #3: You Can Heal Your Life Author: Louise. L. Hay
Comments: |
Saturday, 20-Sep-03 07:39:18 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 17-Sep-03 09:52:27 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 11-Sep-03 10:19:53 EDT Name: Tracey Email: twnew@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Road Less Travelled Author: Dr. M. Scott Peck
Book #2: Simple Abundance Author: Sarah Ban Breathnach
Book #3: You can be Happy no Matter what Author: Richard Carlson
Comments: |
Thursday, 04-Sep-03 09:24:48 EDT Name: laura Email: mrs.demore@comcast.net
Book #1: bodacious book of succulence Author: sark
Book #2: the celestine prophesy Author: jamed redfield
Book #3: the wisdom of florence scovel shinn Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 03-Sep-03 09:30:11 EDT Name: gabriel reyes Email: grs48@hotmail.com
Book #1: el sermon del monte Author: emmet fox
Book #2: jesus el maestro metafisico Author: jose de lira
Book #3: ciencia de la mente Author: ernest holmes
Comments: |
Sunday, 31-Aug-03 21:30:35 EDT Name: Mary Email: mkcarameli@msn.com
Book #1: Power Through Positive Thinking Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: The Game Author: Florance Schovel Shinn
Book #3: You can heal yourself Author: Louis Hay
Comments: |
Friday, 29-Aug-03 14:39:21 EDT Name: Juanita Schoeman Email: j.schoeman@onetel.net
Book #1: Emmanuel Author: Pat Rodegast
Book #2: Finding your own North star Author: Martha Beck
Book #3: The sacred self Author: Susan Gregg
Comments: All excellent reads. Emmanuel especially has given me an insight into the meaning of divine love. |
Friday, 29-Aug-03 14:39:21 EDT Name: Juanita Schoeman Email: j.schoeman@onetel.net
Book #1: Emmanuel Author: Pat Rodegast
Book #2: Finding your own North star Author: Martha Beck
Book #3: The sacred self Author: Susan Gregg
Comments: All ecellent reads. Emmanuel especially has given me an insight into the meaning of divine love. |
Friday, 29-Aug-03 00:07:16 EDT Name: Gary W. Barron Email: garybarron311@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Sermon on the Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: The Holy Bible Author: Our Heavenly Father
Book #3: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: |
Wednesday, 27-Aug-03 23:19:15 EDT Name: Tom LaGoe Email: tlagoe@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Sermon on The Mount Author: Emmit Fox
Book #2: Discover the Power Within You Author: Eric Butterworth
Book #3: The Power of Now Author: Eckhart Tolle
Comments: There are so many that have been such a blessing to me its a shame to limit it to just 3. |
Wednesday, 27-Aug-03 23:19:15 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The Sermon on The Mount Author: Emmit Fox
Book #2: Discover the Power Within You Author: Eric Butterworth
Book #3: The Power of Now Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 26-Aug-03 23:47:32 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill
Book #2: Awaken the Giant Within Author: Anthony Robbins
Book #3: The Four Agreements Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Comments: |
Sunday, 24-Aug-03 01:35:57 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 22-Aug-03 14:21:14 EDT Name: david t. curtis Email: DavidCurtis@tpcp.org
Book #1: The Rubiat Author: Omar Kyam
Book #2: Conversations with God Author: Neale Walsh
Book #3: The Bible, the Vedas, The Quoran, The Gita... Author: Authors: Unsubstantiated
Comments: There are many teachers, among us even today, read everything you can and grow! |
Wednesday, 20-Aug-03 10:57:22 EDT Name: Deborah Coughlan Email: devorahta@aol. com
Book #1: A Course in Miracles Author: Jesus
Book #2: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #3: Jesus CEO Author: Laurie Beth Jones
Comments: These books have had a tremendous impact on my life. I now live with great peace, joy, love and miracles!!! |
Wednesday, 20-Aug-03 10:57:22 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: A Course in Miracles Author: Jesus
Book #2: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #3: Jesus CEO Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 20-Aug-03 03:41:05 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 05-Aug-03 11:33:08 EDT Name: a. Martin Email: fredie9@aol.com
Book #1: east of eden Author: John Steinback
Book #2: Sinuhe the egycian Author:
Book #3: In praise of folly Author: Erasmus of Rotterdam
Comments: also: The celestine prophecy |
Friday, 01-Aug-03 16:42:09 EDT Name: Celia Curtis Email: dragonflycelia@aol.com
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #2: Creative Visualization Author: Shakti Gawain
Book #3: Back to Eden Author: Jethro Kloss
Comments: |
Monday, 28-Jul-03 06:25:06 EDT Name: Mera Akhtar Email: humera@eclipse-entertainments.com
Book #1: conversations with god Author: Neale Donald Walsche
Book #2: celestine prophesy Author: James Redfield
Book #3: ageless body timeless mind Author: deepak chopra
Comments: All these books in different ways mark my journey into enlightenment. The things that I used to think that only i experienced, were revealed to be the same thoughts that the great minds throughout time have had. |
Wednesday, 23-Jul-03 14:42:24 EDT Name: j Email: jannu7@yahoo.com
Book #1: Tao te Ching Author: Lao Tzu- trans. Stephen Mitchell. Also by Stan Rosenthal
Book #2: IF YOU WANT TO WRITE: A Book about Art, Indep Author: Brenda Euland
Book #3: Bhagvad Gita Author: Krishna trans. Jack Hawley. Also by Stephen Mitchell
Comments: |
Sunday, 20-Jul-03 06:33:59 EDT Name: crodney Email: crodney@aol.com
Book #1: Sermon on the Mount Author: Emmett Fox
Book #2: Alcoholics Annonymous Author:
Book #3: Holy Bible Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 11-Jul-03 02:31:45 EDT Name: Lisa Falco Email: lisafalco@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Teachings of the Masters of the Far East Author: Baird T. Spalding
Book #2: The Superbeings Author: John Randolph Price
Book #3: Sermon on The Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Comments: |
Monday, 07-Jul-03 21:39:24 EDT Name: Vicky Email: vickymh@hotmail.com
Book #1: Awareness Author: Anthony de Mello
Book #2: The Prophet Author: Kahill Gilbran
Book #3: A Child Called It Author: Dave Pelzer
Comments: Awareness is my Bible
The Prophet is my inspiration
A Child Called It is my encouragement |
Saturday, 05-Jul-03 15:49:34 EDT Name: Email: MEEDSR@A0L.COM
Book #1: HOLY BIBLE Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 05-Jul-03 15:10:05 EDT Name: Ralph Thummel Email: rjthummel1@juno.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: Prayer, asking and receiving. Author: John R. Rice
Book #3: Our Daily Bread Author: RBC Ministries
Comments: The "Left Behind" series are also great reading! |
Saturday, 05-Jul-03 15:10:05 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: Prayer, asking and receiving. Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 03-Jul-03 23:05:25 EDT Name: Tiffany Email: tiffany_jewell@hotmail.com
Book #1: Phantom Author: Susan Kay
Book #2: Many Lives, Many Masters Author: Brian L. Weiss
Book #3: The 16th Round Author: Rubin "Hurrican" Carter
Comments: |
Sunday, 29-Jun-03 17:27:12 EDT Name: Bea Email: yong@zeelandnet.nl
Book #1: Embraced by the light Author: Betty J. Eadie
Book #2: The ceestine prophecy Author: James Redfield
Book #3: Return from heaven Author: Carol Bowman
Comments: |
Saturday, 28-Jun-03 15:57:56 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 28-Jun-03 14:04:10 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 27-Jun-03 18:01:17 EDT Name: Lee Fuller Email: Fullerteach7@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Secret of the Ages Author: Robert Collier
Book #2: The Two Kinds of Righteousness Author: E.W. Kenyon
Book #3: The Power of The Plus Factor Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Comments: Read and grow! |
Friday, 27-Jun-03 18:01:17 EDT Name: Lee Fuller Email: Fullerteach7@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Secret of the Ages Author: Robert Collier
Book #2: The Two Kinds of Righteousness Author: E.W. Kenyon
Book #3: The Power of The Plus Factor Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Comments: Read and grow! |
Friday, 27-Jun-03 15:21:41 EDT Name: alex beltran Email: alex_beltran1@yahoo.com
Book #1: as a man thinketh Author: james allen
Book #2: zen in the art of motocycle maintenance Author: robert persig
Book #3: walden Author: henry david thoreau
Comments: |
Friday, 20-Jun-03 21:31:33 EDT Name: Ru Email: ruk317@yahoo.com
Book #1: Bushido: the Way of the Samurai Author: Tsunetomo Yamamoto, et al
Book #2: Jonathan Livingston Seagull Author: Richard Bach
Book #3: The Prophet Author: Kahlil Gibran
Comments: |
Thursday, 19-Jun-03 21:49:37 EDT Name: Lisa Email: MissLisa@yahoo.com
Book #1: As You Think Author: Marc Allen
Book #2: The Power of Now Author: Eckhart Tolle
Book #3: The Seven Spirtual Laws of Success Author: Deepak Chopra
Comments: Live, Love, Read, Grow, Live |
Tuesday, 17-Jun-03 09:28:14 EDT Name: michele coughlin Email: mcoughlin@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Fountainhead Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: The Prophet Author: Kahlil Gibran
Book #3: Co-dependent No More Author: Melanie Beatie
Comments: each book, in my own time frame of reading it, has had significant impact on my thinking. These of course, all ranking behind the bible, especially the gospel of John. |
Friday, 13-Jun-03 02:41:55 EDT Name: GLORIA Email: FREEDOMGJA@AOL
Comments: |
Wednesday, 11-Jun-03 13:55:56 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 10-Jun-03 23:50:05 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The science of mind Author: ernist holmes
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 10-Jun-03 23:40:13 EDT Name: rick Email:
Book #1: Ratonal Zen Author: Dogen
Book #2: any thing by troward Author: Thomas Troward
Book #3: Thus Spake Zarathustra Author: Nitche ("god is dead" is misinturpreted by by most)
Comments: Thank you for making James Allen accesable in this way.
Myself and others appreciate the value of open mindedness |
Tuesday, 10-Jun-03 20:38:34 EDT Name: Paulette Goguen Email: paulettegoguen@yahoo.com
Book #1: A Course in Miracles Author: Foundation for Inner Peace
Book #2: Bhagavad-Gita Author: Translated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Book #3: Sacred Self Author: Wayne Dwyer
Comments: |
Tuesday, 10-Jun-03 11:49:00 EDT Name: Patti V. Email: spurnig@yahoo.com
Book #1: Building Your Field of Dreams Author: Mary Manin Morrissey
Book #2: Power vs. Force Author: David Hawkins, PhD
Book #3: Open Your Mind to Receive Author: Catherine Ponder
Comments: It's difficult to name just three, but these three have been the most pivotal in my life recently.
Also, Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer plus all the others he's written in the past 10 years or so.
Deepok Chopra's works.
Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad books
Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield's "The Power of Focus" and "One Minute Millionaire", especially.
Making Peace with Your Yourself by Harold Bloomfield, MD. (Any of the "Making Peace" series is great!)
"The 7 Habits" books by Steven Covey
"The Other Parent" by James P. Steyer This book gave me the backup I needed for my argument against the television culture. It has empowered me to have more conviction when limiting the television use in our house. |
Saturday, 07-Jun-03 22:44:48 EDT Name: Miles Paavola Email: milespaavola@yahoo.com
Book #1: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: How to Know God Author: Deepak Chopra
Book #3: Celestine Prophecy Author: James Redfield
Comments: |
Friday, 06-Jun-03 03:21:17 EDT Name: AshokViswanathan Email: radhashok@yahoo.com
Book #1: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Author: Deepak Chopra
Book #3: Sacred Self Author: Wayne Dyer
Comments: I also liked Nisargadatta Maharaj's "I am That". |
Tuesday, 03-Jun-03 07:15:44 EDT Name: Mohd. Asif Farooqui Email: mohd-asif.farooqui@st.com
Book #1: Of Human Bondage Author: W. Sommerset Maughm
Book #2: 1984 Author: George Orwell
Book #3: Trial Author: Franz Kafka
Comments: These books if understood can change the dangerous world we live in |
Saturday, 31-May-03 13:43:02 EDT Name: Clark Email: driftair@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Secret Of Shambhala Author: James Redfield
Book #2: Excuse ME, Your Life IS Waiting Author: Lynn Grabhorn
Book #3: The Power Of Your Supermind Author: Vernon Howard
Comments: The first 2 were most recently read.
Every discovery in thought and feeling can lead to joy, radiance, and the energy to live with the pleasure of being thankful.
It is true that when we place our attention upon what we like and what we want and relax in the simplicity of that pleasure we can express and experience happiness and the people around us will appreciate our cheerfulness. . .
Meanwhile there may always be some who resist, disbelieve, and try to sabotoge. When we allow doubts, fears, and dislikes to remain the focus of our experience we express and live that darkness.
Birds of a feather flock together clearly in these two examples.
Saturday, 31-May-03 11:19:10 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 30-May-03 23:02:39 EDT Name: helen Email: helcha8@aol.com
Book #1: university of success Author: og mandino
Book #2: success through PMA Author: Hill & stone
Book #3: Unlimited power Author: tony robbins
Comments: |
Friday, 30-May-03 19:07:51 EDT Name: carol Email: corky@socal.rr.com
Book #1: science and health with key to the scriptures Author: mary baker eddy
Book #2: the golden key -do search "emmett fox speaks" Author: emmett fox
Book #3: the healer-they healing works of mary b eddy Author: david l keyston
Comments: also "the kybalion" by the 3 initiates-is on the net-helps to understand the shinn who refers to the kybalion and "vibrations" used-christian science is pure and ultimate christ science-I also like 365 Tao by deng ming-dao-the I Ching wilhelm baines translation-the 91st psalm http://www.christianscience.org/BKPs91.htm
really this link explains it and how powerful it is even during a battlefield--and really go to http://www.concentric.net/~Salisar/efspeaks.html
and http://www.gnostic.org/kybalionhtm/kybalion.htm
this all helps to understand mind sience |
Sunday, 25-May-03 23:20:50 EDT Name: diane abhainn gealach Email: tellypo@quentincrisp.com
Book #1: the lazy man's guide to enlightenment Author: thaddeus golas
Book #2: siddhartha Author: hermann hesse
Book #3: the alchemy of opposites Author: rodolfo scarfalloto
Comments: |
Saturday, 17-May-03 23:52:14 EDT Name: ZEPHIE Email: BETTYSCULLY@JUNO.COM
Book #1: THE BIBLE Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 07-May-03 10:40:17 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 06-May-03 21:49:06 EDT Name: rebecca Email: rsundby@matcmadison.edu
Book #1: The Bible Author:
Book #2: The Way to Love Author: Anthony de Mello
Book #3: When Things Fall Apart Author: Pema Chodron
Comments: |
Friday, 02-May-03 20:23:43 EDT Name: Perezi Alexis Email: Iamhotep@msn.com
Book #1: The Metu Neter Author: Ra Un Nefer
Book #2: Three Magic Words Author: U.S Andersen
Book #3: Using the Magnetic Forces of your mind Author: Pritchard
Comments: I love your site! I pray that your site stays up and that your light shines for everyone to see. |
Tuesday, 29-Apr-03 14:12:16 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 25-Apr-03 21:06:03 EDT Name: Carylin Tyson Email: freedomon22803@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Prospering Power of Love Author: Catherine Ponder
Book #2: The Course in Miracles Author: ?
Book #3: The Songs of God Author: Joseph Murphy
Comments: Thank you for asking for a few of my favorite books. |
Thursday, 24-Apr-03 10:32:46 EDT Name: Eileen Lacey Email: emlacey@brookes.ac.uk
Book #1: Love's Executioner Author: Irvin Yalom
Book #2: L'Assomoir Author: Emile Zola
Book #3: A Pin To See The Peepshow Author: F. Tennyson Jesse
Comments: Despite the title of the first book on my list, the author, far from executing Love, shows
us how to love with joy, generosity and spontaneity. My second choice, although set in nineteenth century working class Paris,
has much to offer society ihn the twenty-first century. And my third and last choice, although my no means least, is most powerful indictment of the death penalty that I have
ever read.
Men are from earth, women are from earth. Deal with it! |
Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 10:18:04 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 09:38:14 EDT Name: Jamin Condou Email: jbcondou@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Brothers K Author: David James Duncan
Book #2: Saint Maybe Author: Ann Tyler
Book #3: Only Begotten Daughter Author: James Morrow
Comments: After a rapid series of deaths of friends and family, God knowing my inner healing wouldn't come via a church, etc so along came some books into my life. I call these my "redemption books" because I could see that life and its many experiences ARE redeming. There are others but I am not awake enough yet this morning to remember them. If anyone reads this and then reads these books are is helped by them, then I will be pleased. These are the "gotta reads" I recommend to my students who seem to be searching for that truly great book to turn them on to contemporary literature. |
Saturday, 12-Apr-03 23:10:29 EDT Name: Jesse James Bartlett Email: jna7195@cs.com
Book #1: The ultimate secrets of total self-confidence Author: Dr. Robert Anthony
Book #2: Meditations Author: Marcus Aurelius
Book #3: The Living Bible, The Aplified Bible Author: God!
Comments: The three books listed have pulled me through my darkest depression and have given me some sort of meaning to life. I would like to thank you for this web site you created because it can steer many people who have been tossed by lifes tides into gentler waters so they get their bearings. Thank you for this gift! |
Thursday, 10-Apr-03 11:15:39 EDT Name: Steve Email: steveb428@hotmail.com
Book #1: Resurrection Author: Neville
Book #2: Message of a Master Author: John McDonald
Book #3: 7 Spiritual Laws of Success Author: Chopra
Comments: Let's try this with line breaks and additional books at the end, and then I'll chill
Others that I love: -------
Ye Are Gods - Anna Skarin
Impersonal Life, Way to the Kingdom - Joseph Benner
Nature of the Personal Reality - Jane Roberts
Being the Solution - Daryl Rutherford
Superbeings, The Abundance Book - Jonathon Price
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
Infinite Spirit, or Silent Power - Stuart Wilde
Creative Imagery-Visualize in all 5 senses - Fezler
The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Vernon Howard
Happiness is Free - Lester Levenson
3 Magic Words, Magic in your Mind - U.S. Andersen
The Power of Now - Eckart Tolle
Power vs Force - David Hawkins
anything by Emmet Fox or Florence Schinn
Mind Power for the 21st Century - John Kehoe
Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsche
Spiritual Marketing - Joe Vitale
The Science of Getting Rich
( i think it's wise to stop buying at a certain point and re-read the ones that specifically impact you, but these are all just so good ) |
Thursday, 10-Apr-03 11:15:39 EDT Name: Steve Email: steveb428@hotmail.com
Book #1: Resurrection Author: Neville
Book #2: Message of a Master Author: John McDonald
Book #3: 7 Spiritual Laws of Success Author: Chopra
Comments: Others that I love: -------
Ye Are Gods - Anna Skarin
Impersonal Life, Way to the Kingdom - Joseph Benner
Nature of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts
Being the Solution - Daryl Rutherford
Superbeings, The Abundance Book - Jonathon Price
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
Infinite Spirit, Silent Power - Stuart Wilde
Creative Imagery-Visualize in all 5 senses - Fezler
The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Vernon Howard
Happiness is Free - Lester Levenson
3 Magic Words, Magic in your Mind - U.S. Andersen
The Power of Now - Eckart Tolle
by Emmet Fox
Power vs Force - David Hawkins |
Saturday, 05-Apr-03 10:37:44 EST Name: Dave Larson Email: chinchilladae@yahoo.com
Book #1: 365 Tao Author: Deng Ming Dao
Book #2: Daily Tao Author: Deng Ming Dao
Book #3: The Food Revolution Author: John Robbins
Comments: The first two hold insight into the right path to follow in life. The Food Revolution is a different subject. It shows how one simple act can actually eliminate starvation worldwide, save the environment and make you live longer and healthier |
Friday, 04-Apr-03 17:25:04 EST Name: Rinnah MacVittie Email: daeseey@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Road Less Traveled Author: M. Scott Peck
Book #2: Celestine Prohesy Author: James Redfield
Book #3: The Invitation Author: Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Comments: |
Wednesday, 02-Apr-03 22:47:37 EST Name: Ludger Email: hacault@telus.net
Book #1: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill
Book #2: How to Win Friends and Influence People Author: Dale Carnegie
Book #3: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Author: Stephen R Covey
Comments: Hill and Carnegie are truly "life changing."
Friday, 28-Mar-03 14:57:38 EST Name: Kenny Email: cantab@excite.com
Book #1: The Alchemist Author: Paolo Coelho
Book #2: Dreams of Isis - A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn Author: Normandi Ellis
Book #3: The Chymical Wedding Author: Lindsay Clarke
Comments: I have recently lost the tendency to urge others to read what I found inspiring since everyone has a path of their own and perhaps other books will talk to them. I will mention a book to another and share what inspired me in reading it if my intuitions rise but even then I ask that they only read it when it asks them to. :) |
Friday, 28-Mar-03 13:44:27 EST Name: Fausto D'Apuzzo Email: faust18@hotmail.com
Book #1: the miracle of forgiveness Author: Spencer W. Kimball
Book #2: As a man thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: The bridge across forever Author: Richard Bach
Comments: I haven't read many book yet.
I love reading. |
Wednesday, 26-Mar-03 00:19:47 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 21-Mar-03 05:32:05 EST Name: Stella Email:
Book #1: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Author: Milan Kundera
Book #2: Jenerseits der Liebe Author: Martin Walser
Book #3: The Fable Author: William Faulkner
Comments: |
Tuesday, 18-Mar-03 14:49:36 EST Name: Michael Brown Email: stereotypo@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Numerical Structure of Scripture Author: F.W.Grant
Book #2: 4 Veiws of Christ Author: Andrew Jukes
Book #3: The Search for the Elements Author: Isaac Asimov
Comments: |
Friday, 14-Mar-03 17:46:17 EST Name: Justin Email: climber410@aol.com
Book #1: Ender's Game Author: Orson Scott Card
Book #2: Beach Music Author: Pat Conroy
Book #3: The Lovely Bones Author: Alice Sebold
Comments: |
Thursday, 13-Mar-03 23:19:56 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 09-Feb-03 21:35:31 EST Name: billy Email: twoshoesbilly@hotmail.com
Book #1: the alchemist Author: ?
Book #2: As a man thinketh Author: James allen
Book #3: the power of one Author: ?
Comments: |
Monday, 03-Feb-03 22:06:29 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Atlas Shrugged Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: A Brief History of Time Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 24-Jan-03 12:30:11 EST Name: Michelle Email: capepine@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Four Agreements Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Book #2: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Author: John Gray
Book #3: Life Strategies Author: Dr. Phil McGraw
Comments: I just finished reading "As A Man Thinketh" on your website. Powerful and will eventually make it's way to the top og my list as I let it's wisdom sink in and become my action. Thank you for making it available.
Michelle |
Saturday, 18-Jan-03 23:01:20 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 09-Jan-03 05:26:49 EST Name: Tom Email: thereisonlynow@yahoo.com
Book #1: See website link Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: Some of these were posted way down below, but I put this web page together the other day and thought it might be helpful to share it, since many of my favorite books have excerpts or e-book links.
Peace be with you.
Tom |
Thursday, 09-Jan-03 03:18:51 EST Name: Angie Email: shareadream@hotmail.com
Book #1: The 4 Agreements Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Book #2: The dreaming dolphin Author: Sergio Bambaren
Book #3: Jonathan Livingston Seagull Author: Richard Bach
Comments: |
Wednesday, 08-Jan-03 20:55:29 EST Name: mike Email: mkrupsky@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Four Agreements Author: Miguel Ruiz
Book #2: Real Magic Author: Wayne Dyer
Book #3: Don't sweat the small stuf....... Author: Richard Carlson
Comments: Had so many links open I am not sure how I got here. |
Monday, 06-Jan-03 09:23:05 EST Name: linda Email: lynda_gao@yahoo.com
Book #1: seth speaks Author: jane roberts
Book #2: diamond mind Author: rob nairn
Book #3: many lives, many masters Author: brian weiss
Comments: |
Sunday, 05-Jan-03 19:57:54 EST Name: R. Tomlinson Email: Tomlinson@erraticimpact.zzn.com
Book #1: The Way of a Pilgrim Author: unkown Russian author
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 05-Jan-03 19:26:49 EST Name: Danielle Email: Danielle1A@aol.com
Book #1: Anatomy of the Spirit Author: Myss
Book #2: You can Heal Your Life Author: Louise Hay
Book #3: Women & Desire - Wanting To Be Wanted Author: Polly Young-Eisendrath
Comments: |
Friday, 03-Jan-03 02:35:03 EST Name: Yu Goetzler Email: U_NO_YHVH@yahoo.com
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: May God bless you,
and others thru you.
Amen! |
Wednesday, 01-Jan-03 01:44:36 EST Name: Anandgyan Email: Gyan59@hotmail.com
Book #1: Hsin Hsin Ming - The Book Of Nothing Author: Osho
Book #2: Acceptance Of What Is Author: Wayne Liquorman
Book #3: Open Secret Author: Wei Wu Wei
Comments: The absence of evidence is not the evidence of an absence. |
Monday, 30-Dec-02 12:23:36 EST Name: Peggy Stewart Email: pastewart811@aol.com
Book #1: On Cleaving to God Author: Attributed to: Albert the Great
Book #2: The Serious Call Author: Wiilliam Law
Book #3: The Imitation of Christ Author: Thomas a' Kempis
Comments: Must read for any soul seeking the deep inner peace that comes in the bankruptcy of self for the wealth of walking with God in mind, body and spirit. These books helped me see the hidden selfish flesh trates that I have yet to annihilate. My prayers to you all, and please pray for my complete annihilation of self for the best gift of all, the continuous abode of the Holy Spirit in me. God Bless! |
Monday, 30-Dec-02 12:23:36 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: On Cleaving to God Author: Attributed to: Albert the Great
Book #2: The Serious Call Author: Wiilliam Law
Book #3: The Imitation of Christ Author: Thomas a
Comments: |
Sunday, 29-Dec-02 22:48:42 EST Name: Joseph Fly Email: jfly@prodigy.net
Book #1: The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Book #2: Harry Potter Author: J.K. Rowling
Book #3: The Autobiography of Ben Franklin Author: Ben Franklin
Comments: Great wisdom is sometimes found in the simplest of things. Even simple books. |
Saturday, 28-Dec-02 22:30:14 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 23-Dec-02 15:43:03 EST Name: karen hiller Email: merkaba@planet-save.com
Book #1: Wishcraft : How to Get What You Really Want Author: Barbara Sher
Book #2: The Dance of Anger Author: Harriet Lerner, PhD
Book #3: Bringers of the Dawn Author: Barbara Marciniak
Comments: |
Wednesday, 18-Dec-02 05:26:38 EST Name: Disciple Email:
Comments: Little Books of Jesus Teachings - well worth your time.
Disciple |
Sunday, 15-Dec-02 13:42:16 EST Name: srikant Email: skavuru1@yahoo.com
Book #1: Autobiography of a yogi Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
Book #2: life and teachings of the masters of Author: the far easy ( By:Biard Spalding)
Book #3: Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: These books will change the way you think and eventually change your life. |
Monday, 09-Dec-02 19:24:20 EST Name: Gabriel Reyes Email: grs48@hotmail.com
Book #1: Sermon del Monte Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: Milagro de la dinamica mental Author: Joseph Murphy
Book #3: La Alegria de vivir Author: Jose L Sosa
Comments: |
Wednesday, 04-Dec-02 09:25:43 EST Name: k.hameed abdul kader Email: khak@rediffmail.com
Book #1: wisdom of james allen Author: james allen
Book #2: you'll see it when you believe it Author: wayne dyre
Book #3: who moved my cheese Author: spencer johnson
Comments: my favorite author is wayne dyre.his teaching is unique and sounds natural.i recommend all his work specially this one. |
Monday, 02-Dec-02 18:27:07 EST Name: Margareth Lee Email: margarethlee@absolute1.net
Book #1: A Course in Miracles Author: Jesus Christ and his scribe, Helen Schucman
Book #2: The Infinite Way Author: Joel Goldsmith
Book #3: Annie Rix Militz Author: Both Riches and Honor
Comments: Many more enlightened beings have aided my transformation. I share the books of some of them, like James Allen and H. Emilie Cady on my website absolute1.net.
Writing the book "Activating the Light in the Lord's Prayer" has had the most profound effect on my life. Inspired by my inner teacher, I was and am guided to remember and live the Truth that I learned through writing and sharing. |
Thursday, 28-Nov-02 23:46:07 EST Name: Michael Davies Email: oggles@openaccess,com,au
Book #1: Course in Miracles Author: Foundation For Inner Peace
Book #2: The Power Of NOW Author: Eckhart Tolle
Book #3: Conversations with God -An uncommon dialogue Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Thursday, 21-Nov-02 20:47:44 EST Name: Merle Roberts Email: mroberts@stn.net
Book #1: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: To Kill A Mockingbird Author: Harper Lee
Book #3: The Bible Author: Various authors inspired by God Almighty
Comments: I believe in hope, I believe in the truth whether others do or not. I believe life is what we make it and I believe that most people don't know this simple yet complex truth, or if they do they are afraid to act on it. Like me.
I am gaining the self esteem needed to make the changes which are necessary to create the life I want for myself.
I love books that speak to the "human condition", so to speak. I like to read stories that allow the characters to live "real" lives. By this I mean I love stories where things don't always fall into place, where the characters have to work as hard as the author. |
Thursday, 21-Nov-02 06:11:53 EST Name: Sharon Email: staph3@hotmail.com
Book #1: Women Who Love Too Much Author: Robin Norwood
Book #2: You Can Heal Your Life Author: Louise Hay
Book #3: The Magical Child Within You Author: Bruce Davis
Comments: |
Sunday, 17-Nov-02 10:04:32 EST Name: Brian Keltch Email: bwk@cableone.net
Book #1: The Lessons of History Author: Will & Ariel Durant
Book #2: The Fall Author: Albert Camus
Book #3: Zorba the Greek Author: Nikos Kazantakis
Comments: |
Wednesday, 13-Nov-02 17:26:55 EST Name: Dennis Email: dennis.newkirk@med.va.gov
Book #1: Destiny of Souls Author: Dr. Michael Newton
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: There Is A River Author: Thomas Sugrue
Comments: I had a stern rural upbringing and received a strong dose of 'God, apple pie, and yankee doodle'. I have a firm belief in the Creator, and as such, have always been searching for truth. I never found it in religious venues.
The three books I have listed are the ones that have opened my eyes at various stages in life. There are others, but these came at the right time. They simply present the truth as it is, not how some would like reality to be. If you are like me, always asking "Who am I and why am I here?", then I recommend these works to convey the facts. |
Thursday, 07-Nov-02 02:15:38 EST Name: Pia Muggerud Email: mcgroovy@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Alchemist Author: Paulo Coelho
Book #2: The World's Gretatest Salesman Author: Og Mondino
Book #3: Mutant Messages Down Under Author: Marlo Morgan
Comments: |
Wednesday, 06-Nov-02 13:50:19 EST Name: Satyajit Email:
Book #1: Man's Eternal Quest Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
Book #2: Romancing the Stove Author: Samahria Ramsen
Book #3: Illusions Author: Richard Bach
Comments: Looking back at my life, there are a great many books, people and experiences that led me from dispair to joy. These books are perhaps the most influential.
The writings of Paramahansa Yogananda pretty much eliminated friction in my relations with other people, and helped me find peace within myself.
Samahria Ramsen's Romancing the Stove gave me delicious food and tremendous energy that helped me reach my goals.
Richard Bach's Illusions showed me how to manifest my desires.
To this list I would like to add:
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltze
Songs of Kabir (Ramanath Tagore translation)
Autobiobraphy of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Thursday, 31-Oct-02 08:18:13 EST Name: Brij Singh Email: bbpsingh@yahoo.com
Book #1: A Guide for the Perplexed Author: E.F. Schumacher
Book #2: A Warrior's Way Author: De Ropp, Robert
Book #3: A Consultant's Journey Author: Roger Harrison
Comments: I am book lover. I can list more books which has changed my life.
I would be interested to discuss more. |
Tuesday, 29-Oct-02 20:56:16 EST Name: NCE Email:
Book #1: Diet For a New America Author: John Robbins
Book #2: Man's Search For Meaning Author: Victor Frankl
Book #3: Private Parts Author: Howard Stern
Comments: |
Thursday, 24-Oct-02 17:57:03 EDT Name: Irene Micci Email: irenemicci@aol.com
Book #1: Where are you going? Author: Swami Muktananda
Book #2: courage to be content Author: GuruMayi
Book #3: Play of Conciousness Author: Swami Muktananda
Comments: I am always reading and it so hard to choose. I am constantly amazed at all the wonderful books available.
I am a devotee of GuruMayi, so her words are the most precious to me. |
Sunday, 20-Oct-02 23:41:56 EDT Name: W K Nicholas Email: wknicholas@yahoo.com
Book #1: Alcoholics Anonymous Author: Bill W, Dr Bob, et al
Book #2: A New Pair of Glasses Author: Chuck "C"
Book #3: Search For Serenity Author: Lewis F Presnall
Comments: These three books were the beginning of my spiritual journey (starting at age 50); followed chronologically by The Road Less Traveled, by M Scott Peck; The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R Covey; Man's Search For Meaning, by Viktor E Frankl; The Holy Bible, King James Version; The Sermon on The Mount, by Emmet Fox; and As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. Each, in turn, was instrumental in my spiritual growth from a cynical agnostic to a believer (still a work in progress over the last thirteen years of sober living). |
Thursday, 17-Oct-02 19:09:03 EDT Name: Joy Warren Email: jwa90010@yahoo.com
Book #1: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: Psalms Author: Attributed to King David
Book #3: Psychocybernetics Author: Maxwell Maltz
Comments: Two change your life books. One for comfort, solace and encouragement. |
Monday, 14-Oct-02 23:55:08 EDT Name: karen x Email: karendeleary@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Good Earth Author: Pearl S. Buck
Book #2: The Red Tent Author: i forgot
Book #3: Chicken Soup for the Soul Author: i forgot
Comments: |
Monday, 14-Oct-02 07:58:33 EDT Name: Nichole Email:
Book #1: The Game of Life Author: Florence Scovel Schinn
Book #2: The Origin of the Nature and Destiny of Man Author: published by the association of research and enlightenment (can't remember name of author)
Book #3: The Student Promise Pocketbook Author: Shaw
Comments: |
Friday, 04-Oct-02 23:35:58 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The Great Divorce Author: C S Lewis
Book #2: Self-Renewal - The Individual&Innovative Soci Author: John W. Gardner
Book #3: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Comments: All three books have been thought provoking and have played a part in change in my life. I hope you think so as well. Good reading! |
Friday, 04-Oct-02 23:36:44 EDT Name: AJ Castro-Chandri Email: tierrasantapr@yahoo.com
Book #1: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Author: Steven R. Covey
Book #2: The Art of Thinking Author: Ernest Dimnet
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 19-Sep-02 13:12:35 EDT Name: Heidi Becker-Share Email: heidibshare@hotmail.com
Book #1: In Tune with the Infinite Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Book #2: God Always Says YES Author: Sue Sikking
Book #3: The Wisdom of Florence Shinn Author: Florence Shinn
Comments: Also GOD SPEAKS by Meher Baba .
And the works of many metaphysical writers--Eric Butterworth, Vernon HOward, Dr. Edward Bach, Yogananda , etc , etc.
Thank you. |
Thursday, 19-Sep-02 07:24:06 EDT Name: Tom Email: thereisonlynow@yahoo.com
Book #1: Love's Awakening Author: Dhara Star Zyir
Book #2: The Door Of Everything Author: Ruby Nelson
Book #3: The Impersonal Life Author: Joseph S. Benner
Comments: It's a difficult task for me to narrow my recommendations to you down to 3 books, but it seems that the ones I have listed above were the most important for me.
Each of them is written as if it is God speaking to the reader from the first person singular - I will leave it up to you to discern whether that is true. And by the way all of these are on the web now, and I have linked them from my favorite's page:
And also.....I absolutely must mention one more book to you. If you are interested in Self-transformation, there are four chapters in the book "BASHAR: Blueprint For Change" by Darryl Anka that are absolutely the best treatise on the subject I think you will find anywhere. You can write me at the address below if you are interested in more info on this.
Peace Be Unto You |
Wednesday, 18-Sep-02 07:33:40 EDT Name: Bobby Dwain Davis Email: bdd0310@hotmail.com
Book #1: book of qualities Author: j. ruth gendler
Book #2: pillow book of sei sonagon Author: sei sonagon
Book #3: and so it goes Author: linda ellerbee
Comments: I wish I could say I had novels that were my favorite books, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The first book is a collection of fictionalized mythologies. I've kept a copy of it for over fifteen years. I could not tell you why it has made such a difference to me because it seems like such a silly idea for a book. Still, I have always kept a copy of it and always refer to it at my most confusing times. It seems to cure self-doubt. |
Wednesday, 18-Sep-02 01:02:01 EDT Name: DAVID KUNKEL Email: dkunkel@mmws.com
Sunday, 08-Sep-02 14:07:12 EDT Name: Chua Ngak Yen Email: yenchua@singnet.com.sg
Book #1: Brothers karamazov Author: Dostoyesky
Book #2: Tolstoy`s confessions Author: Tolstoy
Book #3: As a man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Comments: 4th would be also another of Dostoyesky`s-crime and punishment. |
Thursday, 05-Sep-02 20:10:24 EDT Name: YUVAL GOETZLER Email: UNCHANGING_NO@YAHOO.COM
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Wednesday, 04-Sep-02 23:37:04 EDT Name: Zoey Email: nagiluta@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Sermon on the Mount & all his books Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: The Four Agreements Author: Dom Miguel Ruiz
Book #3: Yesterday I Cried Author: Iyanla Vanzant
Comments: |
Monday, 02-Sep-02 05:02:59 EDT Name: chris waddell Email: carabooda@bigpond.com
Book #1: Love in the time of cholera Author: marquez
Book #2: Great expectations Author: dickens
Book #3: anna karenina Author: tolstoy
Comments: These books represent the timeless truths of life, love and the struggle to deal with the universal anxieties of human existence. They all conclude with a sense of joy that the effort and trials can be overcome, and a higher purpose found for those who are true at their inner self. |
Saturday, 31-Aug-02 01:48:54 EDT Name: Josephine Yap Email: j0yap@yahoo.com
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: So meditative that I have placed the wrong email address. Pls feel free to share me with your experience.
kind regards, Jo |
Saturday, 31-Aug-02 01:37:51 EDT Name: Josephine Yap Email: j0yap@yap.com
Book #1: The Prophet Author: Kahlil Gibran
Book #2: The Alchemist Author: Paulo Coelho
Book #3: God of Surprises Author: Gerard W.Hughes
Comments: Kahlil Gibran and Paulo Coelho are my two most favourite authors. Exuding from their writing is the love that they have for GOD and humanity. The world we live in today demands a tough image and steers us towards false consolations. When the truth is from within, all 3 authors of these books recognise the frailty and our true worth, reading them filled me with so much tenderness that I know something has changed in me forever, a conversion has taken place. Enjoy! Thanks for allowing me to share this with all of you. |
Monday, 26-Aug-02 11:45:11 EDT Name: derek Email: crescent.cattle@sk.sympatico.ca
Book #1: the power is within you Author: louise hay
Book #2: are you the one for me Author: barbra de angeles
Book #3: how to get what you want and want what you ha Author: john grey
Comments: they are all totally awasome and i hope they can help others like they helped me |
Sunday, 25-Aug-02 17:10:30 EDT Name: Robert Berghausen Email: rberghausen2002@yahoo.de
Book #1: Holy Bible Author:
Book #2: Emilie Cady Author: Lessons in Truth
Book #3: Thomas Mann Author: Der Zauberberg (Mount of Miracles)
Comments: |
Saturday, 24-Aug-02 09:50:03 EDT Name: Katarina Email:
Book #1: Feel the fear...and do it anyway Author: Susan Jeffers
Book #2: The Holy Bible Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 21-Aug-02 17:56:09 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Atlas Shrugged Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: Treasure Island Author: Robert Luis Stevenson
Comments: |
Monday, 19-Aug-02 14:56:54 EDT Name: Lea Email: leap@gmx.co.uk
Book #1: Das LOLA Prinzip Author: Rene Egli
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: The Handbook of Life Author: Martin Kojc
Comments: |
Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 21:51:18 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 12:15:20 EDT Name: Danica Email: ddtoth@excite.com
Book #1: The Republic Author: Plato
Book #2: The Consulation of Philosophy Author: Boethius
Book #3: The Game of Life Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: I like spiritual books, that help bring one to be aware of themselves and their own divinity. How to live life as it should be. |
Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 02:01:32 EDT Name: Fabi Delgado Email: fabi820@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior Author: Dan Millman
Book #2: Stand Still Like the Humingbird Author: Henry Miller
Book #3: The Game of Life and How to Play It Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: |
Monday, 12-Aug-02 12:36:18 EDT Name: Lee Email: Silverslip@aol.com
Book #1: Conversations With God Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Book #2: The Game of Life and how to play it Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #3: Conversations with Chief Joseph Author: www.greatwesternpublishing.com
Comments: Book #3 is a web site also linked to Sentinals of The Sky, which holds all of the channeling from Chief Joseph (Nez PerceIndian Chie f)through John Cali.
All of these books say the same thingsin different ways. |
Sunday, 11-Aug-02 22:16:16 EDT Name: Mason Flake Email: mflake@sigecom.net
Book #1: The Master Key System Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: You will never need another book on Metephysics.
Sunday, 11-Aug-02 13:40:14 EDT Name: Will Email: wraffeldt@hotmail.com
Book #1: Time Pressure Author: Spider Robinson
Book #2: The Mote in Gods Eye Author: Laryy Niven
Book #3: The Red Badge of Courage Author: Conrad
Comments: |
Wednesday, 07-Aug-02 14:49:57 EDT Name: LEE CURRAN Email: leecurran37@hotmail.com
Comments: |
Wednesday, 07-Aug-02 14:49:57 EDT Name: LEE CURRAN Email:
Comments: |
Thursday, 25-Jul-02 10:21:08 EDT Name: Bryon Simmons Email: bsimmons@soundtechinc.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: How to Win Friends and Influence People Author: Dale Carnegie
Book #3: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill
Comments: THere are many more. Not enough room or time to list them all. |
Friday, 19-Jul-02 11:13:48 EDT Name: CinBad Email: cinbad@hotmail.com
Book #1: The Prophet Author: Kahil Gibran
Book #2: The Little Prince Author: Antoine De Saint Exuprey
Book #3: Author:
Comments: I Have had my copy of The Prophet for 30 years. I still pick it up to read passages when I'm looking for answers to lifes 'problems'.
I fell in love with "The Little Prince" the first time I read it - there is a lot of wisdom in what is thought to be a children's story. |
Friday, 19-Jul-02 09:52:02 EDT Name: Chris Fackrell Email: oh no
Book #1: According to the Evidence Author: Erich von Daniken
Book #2: The Waiting World Author: Archie Matson
Book #3: Worlds in Collision Author: Immanuel Velikovsky
Comments: Also "Chapters of Life" by Lobsang Rampa, and "Complexity" by alas! I cannot remember. |
Thursday, 18-Jul-02 15:04:51 EDT Name: Dan Bernard Email:
Book #1: Holy Bible - New American Bible Author: Various - Inspired by God
Book #2: Imitation of Christ Author: Thomas A. Kempis
Book #3: Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success Author: Napoleon Hill
Comments: What more can I say about the bible other than it is The Word of God? Imitation of Christ is a masterpiece of living life through the Word of God made flesh as your shepherd, guide and inspiration. Napoleon Hill's Keys are the two previous books set into a working checklist of actions and mindsets that are needed for a lifetime of success in business, interpersonal and personal endeavours. Read all, sow and reap the harvest. |
Thursday, 18-Jul-02 12:40:55 EDT Name: Kat Morgan Email: badkatuk@yahoo.co.uk
Book #1: If the Buddha Dated Author: Charlotte Kasl
Book #2: Living Magically Author: Gill Edwards
Book #3: The Psychology of Success (audio tapes) Author: Brian Tracey
Comments: If the Buddha dated sounds quite trite but is in fact a book that combines wisdom from many different traditions to enable you to meet love openly, honestly, freely and with no artifice. It's challenging but always supportive and teaches you how to live with respect for yourself and others. It's just a beautiful book which I have read again and again.
Gill Edwards is a metaphysician who gives you the tools to build the life of your dreams. Ditto for Brian Tracey |
Friday, 12-Jul-02 17:48:30 EDT Name: Email: kevinpringle159@yahoo.com
Book #1: How to know GOD Author: Deepak Chopra
Book #2: Course in Miracles Author: Jesus
Book #3: The Urantia Book Author: ??
Comments: |
Wednesday, 10-Jul-02 20:14:58 EDT Name: doug mowbray Email: dougmowbray@hotmail.com
Book #1: bible - new testament Author: ? !
Book #2: awakening the giant within Author: anthony robbins
Book #3: embrace the light Author: betty jean eddie
Comments: book 1 -turned me on to jesus- a human who lived for "god"
book 2 - a modern day human who explains human behaviour
and values "god"
book 3 - a woman who went to heaven and brought back the most awesome vivid picture of whats beyond in another dimension
i now know spirit controls all our action/ good or bad..
Monday, 01-Jul-02 00:32:04 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: THE HOLY BIBLE Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 01-Jul-02 00:32:04 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: THE HOLY BIBLE Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 29-Jun-02 13:25:12 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 24-Jun-02 00:51:06 EDT Name: Michael Veras Email: michaelveras@hotmail.com
Book #1: Soldier of the Great War Author: Mark Helprin
Book #2: The Prophet Author: Kahlil Gibran
Book #3: The Road Less Traveled Author: Scott Peck
Comments: "Anything that is noble, anything that is beautiful, anything that is worthy of praise meditate on these things" -- (somewhere in the bible...hehe) |
Wednesday, 19-Jun-02 19:06:24 EDT Name: mark dellacqua Email: dellacqua.mark_d@baltimore.va.gov
Book #1: holy bible Author: GOD
Book #2: My utmost for His highest Author: Oswald Chambers
Book #3: Gifts of the vine Author: Bruce Wilkerson
Comments: I LOVE GOD!!!!! |
Wednesday, 19-Jun-02 07:15:34 EDT Name: Andrew Kelly Email:
Book #1: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Author: Levi Dowling
Book #2: The Game of Life and How to Play it Author: Florence Shinn
Book #3: Sermon on the Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Comments: 3 isn't really enough to do any justice, is it? |
Sunday, 16-Jun-02 23:35:51 EDT Name: The Bond Bomber Email: haralabos.abelas@cba.com
Book #1: Freedom or Death Author: Nikos Kazantzakis
Book #2: The Iliad Author: Homer
Book #3: The Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: F.S Shinn
Comments: 3 best books?
Why not make it 5?
Best WIshes, Haralabos |
Saturday, 15-Jun-02 14:36:56 EDT Name: Angel Email: angel.medina.g09g@statefarm.com
Book #1: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: The Dhammapada Author:
Book #3: The Bhagavad Gita Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 15-Jun-02 14:36:56 EDT Name: Angel Email: angel.medina.g09g@statefarm.com
Book #1: As a Man Thinketh Author: The Bhagavad Gita
Book #2: The Dhammapada Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 13-Jun-02 04:53:12 EDT Name: Emma Email: gipsygoddess@hotmail.com
Book #2: LIGHT ON THE PATH Author: M.C.
Book #3: THE BAGAVAD GITA Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 10-Jun-02 09:47:48 EDT Name: JIM VATTY Email: JVATTY1940@AOL.COM
Sunday, 09-Jun-02 08:08:44 EDT Name: Rex Email:
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovell-Shinn Author: Florence Scovell-Shinn
Book #2: The Body as the Barometer of the Soul II Author: Annette Noontil
Book #3: The Power of Now Author: Echhart Tolle
Comments: All three communicate very simply and directly on all levels,and all contain wonderfully effective tools for daily living.Would also include Iyanla Vanzant's 'Every Day I Pray' on this list. |
Monday, 03-Jun-02 10:14:12 EDT Name: Peter Smith Email: pgsmog@aol.com
Book #1: What's So Amazing About Grace Author: Philip Yancey
Book #2: Spirituality of Imperfection Author: Kurtz and Ketchum
Book #3: Kitchen Table Wisdom Author: Rachel Remen
Comments: |
Monday, 03-Jun-02 02:20:54 EDT Name: Taylaw Email:
Book #1: If it's going to be, It's up to me Author: Robert Schuller.
Book #2: The Power of Positive thinking Author: Vincent Pearle
Book #3: Tough times never last, but tough people do. Author: Robert Schuller.
Comments: These books are soul inspiring...the works of men who have lived by the bright principles that govern our intelligent universe. Two Thumbs up for the the Schullers and Pearles! |
Sunday, 19-May-02 05:14:24 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: In search of excellence Author: Tom Peters
Book #2: The Art of War Author:
Book #3: any Author: Anthony robbins
Comments: |
Saturday, 18-May-02 01:50:20 EDT Name: Monica Email: kleio5@yahoo.com
Book #1: Sermon On The Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: Alcoholics Anonymous Author:
Book #3: Power Through Constructive Thinking Author: Emmet Fox
Comments: |
Sunday, 12-May-02 20:54:36 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: the wheel of time Author: carlos castenada
Book #2: tesla's autobiography Author: tesla
Book #3: fire from within Author: carlos castenada
Comments: |
Sunday, 12-May-02 20:54:36 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: the wheel of time Author: carlos castenada
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 12-May-02 18:20:26 EDT Name: Janette Vercammen Email: jvdruid@telusplanet.net
Book #1: In Scotland Again Author: H.V. Morton
Book #2: Forever Amber Author: Kathleen Winsor
Book #3: Book of Virtues Author: William J. Bennett
Comments: The first one made a place I longed to go to, come alive in my imagination and stayed in my heart forever.
The second was a wonderful romance in a time of the Plague in Paris. I was young and impressionable when I read it and it stayed with me.
The third teaches lessons to children on how to be a good human being. |
Sunday, 12-May-02 10:47:45 EDT Name: rocco Email: rocco292@interfree.it
Book #1: real magic Author: w.w.dyer
Book #2: you'll see it when you believe it Author: w.w. dyer
Book #3: the power of positive thinking Author: n.v. peale
Comments: |
Saturday, 04-May-02 07:36:45 EDT Name: mary piggott Email: piggottmary
Book #1: the heart of the soul Author: gary zukav
Book #2: the wisdom of florence scovel shinn Author: florence scovel shinn
Book #3: your sacred self Author: wayne dyer
Comments: these 3 books and many others I have read have changed my life totally. We humans have no idea how powerful we are conected to GOD.I have only just begun the journey.Its nice to Know there are other people reading ,changing,and growing out there.Good luck,wherever you are. |
Friday, 03-May-02 14:50:27 EDT Name: Todd Cleckley Email: unitytodd@truthmail.com
Book #1: The Infinite Way Author: Joel Goldsmith
Book #2: Dynamics for Living Author: Charles Fillmore
Book #3: How to Let God Help You Author: Myrtle Fillmore
Comments: |
Thursday, 02-May-02 01:42:21 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 28-Apr-02 09:34:55 EDT Name: Robert Email: electrolux@blueyonder.co.uk
Book #1: Journey of the Soul series (3 books) Author: Sylvia Browne
Book #2: Life on the other side Author: Sylvia browne
Book #3: Supernature Author: Lyall Watson
Comments: These are my favourites at the moment...it's ever changing... |
Saturday, 27-Apr-02 16:55:35 EDT Name: heidi Email:
Book #1: As a man thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: Jonathan Livingston Seagull Author:
Book #3: The Road Less Traveled Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 24-Apr-02 10:46:27 EDT Name: k. stephan Email:
Book #1: Siddhartha Author: Herman Hesse
Book #2: The Awakening Author: Kate Chopin
Book #3: Hope Is a Handful of Dreams Author: Susan Perl 1978
Comments: 3. Hope... is a children's book with beautiufl illustrations and simple text about the little joys in life that is now out of print.
2. I reccomend all young women read kate chopin to remind themselves that their lives are their own to do what they please with-
1. Siddhartha remains the book i turn to as the story of a journey i would like to recreate with my own life. |
Friday, 19-Apr-02 19:45:42 EDT Name: Johnna Willis- Thomas Email: night_rainbow8@hotmail.com
Book #1: Tales from the Night Rainbow Author: Pali Lee & Koko Willis
Book #2: Ho'opono Author: Pali Lee
Book #3: The Bible Author:
Comments: Inspirational, powerful and, must read must have book.
I own the Tales book, email me if you are interested in a copy of the book.Mahalo from Hawaii. |
Monday, 15-Apr-02 15:40:35 EDT Name: tim Email: tetaylor@tampabay.rr.com
Book #1: awareness Author: anthony demello
Book #2: power of now Author: tolle
Book #3: one river many wells Author: fox
Comments: De Mello has written many books. His message is clear and has hit a chord in my wandering. We all have a set of ideas that we formulate "life" to be. De Mello has come the closest for me. |
Saturday, 13-Apr-02 02:48:49 EDT Name: John Bis Email: blendre@hotmail.com
Book #1: Conversations Beyond The Light Author: Mark Macy
Book #2: Secrets Of The Ages Author: Robert Collier
Book #3: On The Road Author: Jack Kerouac
Comments: It's so difficult to pick just 3! It was nice to see a lot of my other favorites appearing on others lists. |
Wednesday, 10-Apr-02 17:01:49 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: The Breath of God Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 10-Apr-02 17:01:20 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: The Breath of God Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 08-Apr-02 19:15:07 EDT Name: simi nallaseth Email: csn@nallaseth.com
Book #1: My Experiments With Truth Author: M.K. Gandhi
Book #2: The Bhagawad Gita Author: Radhakrishnan
Book #3: The Way of The Wizard Author: Deepak Chopra
Comments: |
Sunday, 07-Apr-02 18:41:07 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 06-Apr-02 10:44:00 EST Name: terri banks Email: tcb5636@msn.com
Book #1: The Razor's Edge Author: W. sommerset maughm
Book #2: To Kill A Mockingbird Author: Harper Lee
Book #3: The wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel
Comments: |
Wednesday, 27-Mar-02 12:57:08 EST Name: Barbara Williams Email: barbara_m_wms@yahoo.com
Book #1: Atlas Shrugged Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: A Course In Miracles Author: Foundation For Inner Peace
Book #3: Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Author: Dan Millman
Comments: |
Monday, 25-Mar-02 22:11:25 EST Name: Aisha Shabazz Email: aishas@fairbankscapital.com
Book #1: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: The Way of the Wizard Author: Deepak Chopra
Book #3: The Holy Quran Author: Allah
Comments: |
Monday, 25-Mar-02 01:42:06 EST Name: LINDA PATTERSON Email: LTOUGHLADY@AOL.COM
Friday, 22-Mar-02 09:50:36 EST Name: Jeff Kleist Email: jxkleist@aol.com
Book #1: Sermon on the Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Book #2: Th Art of Meditation Author: Joel. S. Goldsmith
Book #3: If you Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! Author: Sheldon B. Kopp
Comments: |
Friday, 15-Mar-02 11:25:11 EST Name: Larry Gomez Jr. Email: larry.gomez@stjoe.stj.org
Book #1: The four agreements Author: migeuel ruiz
Book #2: The way of the wizard Author: Deepak Chopra
Book #3: Manifesting your desires Author: Wanye Dyers
Comments: |
Tuesday, 12-Mar-02 16:51:08 EST Name: dayna Email: daynab@hotmail.com
Book #1: a prayer for owen meany Author: john irving
Book #2: junkie Author: william s burroughs
Book #3: stranger music Author: leonard cohen
Comments: these three authors all poured their heart & soul into the books they wrote - the inspiration i feel is garnered by their raw emotion..... |
Friday, 08-Mar-02 03:15:29 EST Name: Ged Email: ged@mailasia.com
Book #1: The Alchemist Author: Paulo Coelho
Book #2: The mount Analogue Author: Rene Domal
Book #3: Glass Bead Game Author: Herman Hesse
Comments: Thanks for the page you have created ;);););)
This is a good Work.
Friday, 08-Feb-02 09:09:20 EST Name: Ken Email: khb329@aol.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Science of Getting Rich Author: Wallace Wattles
Book #3: The Game of Life Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: Jesus was the Word of God in the flesh. He came that we could have life and have it in ABUNDANCE! |
Monday, 04-Feb-02 12:42:51 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 31-Jan-02 19:18:58 EST Name: samir malik Email: BLoved@mac.com
Book #1: the little prince Author: antoine de st expury
Book #2: eva luna Author: isabel allende
Book #3: the maiden king Author: robert bly
Comments: and i also LOVE sooooo many others..... |
Wednesday, 30-Jan-02 14:58:21 EST Name: Sheela M Email: sheelam@usa.com
Book #1: Conversations with God Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Book #2: Illusions Author: Richard Bach
Book #3: Real Magic Author: Dr. Wayne Dyer
Comments: |
Wednesday, 30-Jan-02 13:36:47 EST Name: GRACE Email: grace.randolph@mail.tju.edu
Book #1: bible Author:
Book #2: the game of life Author: florence shinn
Book #3: acts of faith Author: iylana
Comments: |
Monday, 28-Jan-02 11:58:19 EST Name: mahesh Email: mahesh_k_v@hotmail.com
Book #1: The works of Swamy vivekananda. Vol-I to VIII Author: Vivekananda.
Book #2: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: Awaken the Gaint within Author: Antony Robbins.
Comments: |
Sunday, 27-Jan-02 00:48:44 EST Name: Steve Bailey Email: steveb428@hotmail.com
Book #1: Resurrection Author: Neville
Book #2: The Impersonal Life Author: Joseph Benner
Book #3: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Author: Joseph Murphy
Comments: Wow, more spiritual books to read. I'm an empowerment-book junkie. Is there a Betty Ford clinic for this?
(what did she read?)
Wednesday, 16-Jan-02 07:05:24 EST Name: Ted Harrison Email: tedo96@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Fountainhead Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: Tropic of Capricorn Author: Henry Miller
Comments: All Three of these books stained me in a way that is beyond any words. They are not self-help in the gooey, new age sence, They hit you over the head and just the reading of them changes you forever. There are many other worthwhile books out there, but in my humble opinion, these are the best spirit lifters!
Miller can shock, but his sence of life grabs you by the throat and throws you across the room. Rand challenges every idea you ever had about life and selfishness. Allen is like a wise best friend,always there for you.
Best Wishes |
Tuesday, 15-Jan-02 03:13:48 EST Name: Alan Konig Email: konig777@yahoo.com
Book #1: In The Light Of Truth,The Grail Message,Vol.1 Author: Abd-ru-shin
Book #2: In The Light Of Truth,The Grail Message,Vol.2 Author: Abd-ru-shin
Book #3: In The Light Of Truth,The Grail Message,Vol.3 Author: Abd-ru-shin
Comments: A book in three volumes.
A special book, which clearly answers the unsolved problems of human existence. The vast knowledge mediated in its pages leads the earnestly-seeking reader, who weighs and examines objectively, out of all the chaos of the present-day confusion and distortion, to clear recognitions.
This book commands attention by its forceful language, by the clarity of its thoughts and by the setting right of distorted concepts, unmistakably and sometimes severely but irrefutably explained.
The Laws in which the entire Creation came into being and exists are plainly set forth, the World Happening is interpreted in its true significance, and man's responsibility before God and his fellow-men is revealed and explained. Thus to he who opens himself to these recognitions is restored the indestructible inner security of his personality. |
Tuesday, 08-Jan-02 02:10:30 EST Name: Michael Email:
Book #1: The Four Agreements Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Book #2: The Four Agreements Companion Book Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Book #3: The Mastery of Love Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Comments: |
Sunday, 30-Dec-01 16:22:47 EST Name: Cheryl Email:
Book #1: The Bible Author:
Book #2: The Holy Spirit and You Author: Dennis & Rita Bennett
Book #3: The Sparrow Author: Mary Doria Russell
Comments: |
Saturday, 22-Dec-01 12:02:29 EST Name: Al Email: spudly@dandy.net
Book #1: The Way of the peaceful warrior Author: dan millman
Book #2: As Bill sees it Author: bill w. (a.a.)
Book #3: As a man thinketh Author: james allen
Comments: There lot's more. AL |
Sunday, 16-Dec-01 15:45:08 EST Name: Kerry Reinhold Email: kerzk94@sympatico.ca
Book #1: The Holy Bible [ mostly likely the 1611 AV ] Author: GOD
Book #2: Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol I Author: Many ! Authors
Book #3: Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol II Author: again, Many Authors !
Comments: I think of this question as the 'books one would take to the 'Desert Island''. I only wish that a fourth category could be added ; and that would be : allowance to also bring, in addition to the three volumes, the collected works of ONE author. And the answer for me would be :
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I realise I answered my question rather than focusing on your question. Please forgive me. |
Sunday, 16-Dec-01 03:21:19 EST Name: Jim Email: anon
Book #1: Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Author: Richard Bach
Book #2: The Prophet Author: Kahlil Gibran
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 14-Dec-01 17:17:48 EST Name: Patty Email: pah002@wmdc.edu
Book #1: On Walden Pond Author: Thoreau
Book #2: The Lighthouse Keeper Author: James Michael Pratt
Book #3: No Such Thing as a Bad Day Author: ?
Comments: |
Wednesday, 12-Dec-01 02:35:45 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Bible Author: you
Book #2: You can heal your life Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: This is too limiting as I can't narrow it to 3.or prioritize it that way. Every thing I read, see, hear or touch, or feel can be empowering when I remain open with that intent and stay in the now. Love you Richard, With all my heart and more!!!!! |
Friday, 07-Dec-01 13:21:51 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Living Buddah, Living Christ Author: Thich Naht Hahn
Book #2: Whereever you Go, There You Are Author: Zinn...something
Book #3: The History of God Author: Karen Armstrong
Comments: |
Thursday, 06-Dec-01 22:32:32 EST Name: Email:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 03-Dec-01 01:55:19 EST Name: Elizebeth Selden Email: selden@dingoblue.net.au
Book #1: Star Signs Author: Linda Goodman
Book #2: The Game of Life Author: Florence Shinn
Book #3: There is a River Author: Thomas Sugrue
Comments: Linda Goodman was one of the greatest metaphysicists of this century, with a genius for communicating with wisdom, love and humour. She taught me to see the magic in everyday life, and to realise the importance of the Higher Self. All her books are classics, and deservedly so. Like all classics, they "grow with you", so that you see something new in them every time they are read. |
Thursday, 29-Nov-01 15:56:55 EST Name: Stan Halse Email: stanhalse@aol.com
Book #1: Your Erroneous Zones Author: Wayne Dyer
Book #2: Awaken the Giant Within Author: Anthony Robbins
Book #3: The Celestine Prophecy Author: James Redfield
Comments: These books balance (YEZ) being in the present and cutting through stress (AWGW) Achieving one's ambition (The CP) Managing your energy.
Generally, it is worth being eclectic, and sifting the gems from the paydirt, of plenty of books, to create a unique synthesis of ideas that uniquely fits one's own circumstances |
Thursday, 29-Nov-01 07:48:04 EST Name: Michael Kelley Email: michaelkelley@surfree.com
Book #1: Conversations with God (the entire series) Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: That's Not What I Meant! Author: Deborah Tannen, Ph.D.
Comments: Upon reading Conversations With God, I felt truly at peace for the first time. The books from the series which I have read include Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Friendship with God, Communion with God, Questions and Answers, and Moments of Grace. They are revelatory, comforting, inspiring. There is no doubt that it is a deeply inspired work. It will rock your world,
As A Man Thinketh is a short, simple from the 1920's; but it is not dated and remains as profound and applicable now as then, for its themes are universal and eternal.
That's Not What I Meant is a very educational book which explains that there are many factors which contribute to unrecognized and misunderstood differences in ways of communicating between people which can often result in misplaced hurt and blame and cause disappointment, thereby breaking down friendships, marriages, jobs and every relationship or interaction we have with others (factors such as man vs. woman, growing up in different parts of the country, having different ethnic and class backgrounds, different ages, to name a few). The book is easily understandable and filled with concrete examples. Simply learning about these differences goes a long way toward defusing their disruptive effect in your life. But there are also specific things you can change or eliminate about how you communicate which will improve the quality of your relationships. Just pick this book up in a bookstore, open it to the beginning of some section (any section), and just read it for five minutes. I guarantee you that you will find such applicable information for your life that you will buy the book -- and benefit from it! |
Thursday, 29-Nov-01 07:48:04 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Conversations with God (the entire series) Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 28-Nov-01 21:01:06 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 28-Nov-01 19:58:35 EST Name: Micheal Chang Email: amorvincitom@metronome.ca
Book #1: Lyric Philosphy Author: Jan Zwicky
Book #2: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Author: Annie Dillard
Book #3: Total Freedom Author: Jiddu Krishnamurti
Comments: There are too many books which I'd like to list, some of which includes Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, Murray Bookchin's Post-Scarcity Anarchism, Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations with God series, minus the journals and calenders(?!). Jan's poetry is also noteworthy - her "Songs for Relinquishing the Earth" won the Governer's General Award for poetry in 1999. Her "Lyric Philosophy" absolutely beautiful! It's remained my favorite for the past three years. |
Wednesday, 28-Nov-01 20:00:32 EST Name: Alex Murdock Email: netfrtz6@netscape.net
Book #1: The Bible Author:
Book #2: The compendium of occult Laws Author: Dr. R. S. Clymer
Book #3: The Book of Rosicruciae Author: Dr. R. S. Clymer
Comments: |
Monday, 19-Nov-01 23:41:58 EST Name: Debbie Email: debkro@excite.com
Book #1: The Impersonal Life Author: Anonymous
Book #2: The Power is Within You Author: Louise Hay
Book #3: The Infinite Way Author: Joel Goldsmith
Comments: |
Friday, 16-Nov-01 22:48:19 EST Name: Robert Caldwell Email: racaldwe@olemiss.edu
Book #1: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill
Book #2: Thus Spoke Zarathustra Author: Friedrich Nietzsche (Walter Kaufmann translation)
Book #3: Vijnanabhairava Author: "God" (Jaideva Singh translation)
Comments: I am not being facetious when I say "God" authored _Vijnanabhairava_. The Kashmir Shaivites believe that this book is "agama," meaning "out of the mouth of Shiva," or "God." May I also recommend all the books by the Braggs (Paul and daughter Patrica) about health, as the health of the psycho-physical organism is foundational to the well-being of consciousness. |
Saturday, 10-Nov-01 22:16:25 EST Name: Tony G. Email:
Book #1: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: byways of Blessedness Author: James Allen
Book #3: Book Of Mormon Author: Mormon
Comments: Not in the order of prefernce, but simply the books that have changed the way I think to the way I want to become |
Friday, 09-Nov-01 21:58:21 EST Name: Stuart Email: skierstu@hotmail.com
Book #1: Lord Of The Rings Author: J.R.R. Tollkien
Book #2: Gates of Fire Author: Stephen Pressfield
Book #3: The Belgariad (series) Author: David & Leigh Eddings
Comments: |
Thursday, 01-Nov-01 23:34:31 EST Name: sarraseca Email: sarrasecajr@onebox.com
Book #1: La vida impersonal Author: Joseph Benner
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: Esta la puerta abierta para todos. A mi me llego a traves de es libro. gracias.
"be still,and know,i`am god" |
Tuesday, 30-Oct-01 18:13:09 EST Name: Tygger Email:
Book #1: The Law Is For All (Liber AL Commentary) Author: Aleister Crowley
Book #2: The Journey Home Author: Lee Carroll
Book #3: The Dhammapada Author: Buddha Gautama
Comments: |
Tuesday, 30-Oct-01 18:04:04 EST Name: Martin Email: martin.schranz@kfunigraz.ac.at
Book #1: Destiny Of Souls Author: Michael Newton
Book #2: Journey Of Souls Author: Michael Newton
Book #3: Mary Author: Ella Kensington (Bodo Deletz)
Comments: Actually I can highly recommend anything by Ella Kensington (Bodo Deletz).
Further information: http://www.ella.org |
Tuesday, 30-Oct-01 16:38:50 EST Name: Ruby Email: rmacdon272@aol.com
Book #1: The Power of Positive Thinking Author: Dr Norman Vincent Peale
Book #2: The Bible Author:
Book #3: Man's Search for Meaning Author: Viktor E Frankl
Comments: |
Tuesday, 30-Oct-01 06:49:09 EST Name: Simon J C Heslop Email: sjcheslop@hotmail.com
Book #1: As a man thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: The Greatest Miracle in the World Author: Og Mandino
Book #3: Success through a positive mental attitude Author: W Clement Stone & Napoleon Hill
Comments: Success through a P.M.A. was the book that captured my interest in a different way of life. I own copies of most of Mandinos books and they're all great but the one above is my favourite. And by far the best book i've read is "As a man thinketh" by James Allen. |
Monday, 29-Oct-01 21:21:00 EST Name: Email:
Book #1: you can heal your life Author: louise hay
Book #2: the power of positve thinking Author:
Book #3: Author:
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Monday, 29-Oct-01 00:00:55 EST Name: Richard Rettke Email: RRettke@mac.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Law of Success Author: Napolean Hill
Book #3: The Common Denominator of Success Author: Albert E. N. Gray
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Saturday, 27-Oct-01 02:20:32 EDT Name: Rajalakshmi Email: rajee_ram@hotmail.com
Book #1: Srimad Bhagavat Gita Author: God
Book #2: My Experiments with truth Author: Mahatma Gandhi
Book #3: East of Eden Author: John Steinbeck
Comments: These three books are just not books. they have life in them.they tell you how to live and in the same sense how not to live. they have lot of similartiies about them which one has to read and understand and appreciate |
Thursday, 25-Oct-01 18:11:55 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: My Mind Author: Patricia Halloran
Book #2: A Course In Miracles Author: Unknown
Book #3: Einsteins Dreams (the fiction novel) Author: Unknown
Comments: word |
Thursday, 25-Oct-01 18:11:55 EDT Name: patti Email: apples305
Book #1: My Mind Author: Patricia Halloran
Book #2: A Course In Miracles Author: Unknown
Book #3: Einsteins Dreams (the fiction novel) Author: Unknown
Comments: word |
Wednesday, 24-Oct-01 02:19:02 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Tuesday, 23-Oct-01 11:28:31 EDT Name: NADIA Email: NADIAMOH@HOTMAIL.COM
Thursday, 18-Oct-01 11:32:14 EDT Name: Mr. Black Email: theblacks@mail.com
Book #1: Think & Grow Rich Author: N. Hill
Book #2: Maximized Manhood Author: Edwin Louis Cole
Book #3: The Magic of Thinking Big Author: David Schwartz MD
Comments: Awesome books that have helped to change the way I think! |
Tuesday, 16-Oct-01 16:24:17 EDT Name: Bob Email: lookingback@excite.com
Book #1: There is No Death Author: Florence Marryat
Book #2: The Way of Life Author: Arthur Findley
Book #3: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: as above
Comments: The first two books deal with physical mediumship and will
convince any sceptic that we are indeed eternal beings. I
recently discovered the Shinn book and feel that it will be
a valuable lesson in living a good life in this reality. |
Sunday, 14-Oct-01 00:34:18 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 13-Oct-01 15:24:00 EDT Name: anonymous Email:
Book #1: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Author: Mary Baker Eddy
Book #2: New Testament (1526, original spelling ed.) Author: William Tyndale
Book #3: New Testament (1380 ed., The Engl. Hexapla) Author: John Wiclif (Wycliffe)
Comments: Mary Baker Eddy's understanding of the scriptures and these early translations of the Bible show how very radical the Christ-Mind is. |
Wednesday, 10-Oct-01 03:02:41 EDT Name: mary chase Email: namaste85@hotmail.com
Book #1: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: The Merchant Of Venice Author: Shakespeare
Book #3: To Kill A Mocking Bird Author: memory lapse
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Wednesday, 26-Sep-01 16:18:58 EDT Name: Wyatt Kenyon Email: Wyatt@westwindfp.com
Book #1: BIBLE Author: GOD
Comments: |
Monday, 24-Sep-01 20:01:02 EDT Name: David Pacetti Email: dpacetti@bellsouth.net
Book #1: Think & Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill
Book #2: The Wisdom of James Allen Author: James Allen
Book #3: Take your Time Author: Eknath Easwaran
Comments: About 30 years ago I got a copy of "Think & Grow Rich", it changed my life forever. About 20 years ago I read "As a Man Thinketh" then 4 years ago went back to in in "The Wisdom of James Allen". 2 years ago I read "Take your Time" and learned Meditation. I realized that I missed every thing James Allen said about meditation my first reading. Oct 1999 I begin to meditate 30 minutes daily an have never missed nor will I miss a day. I am now re-reading "The Wisdom of James Allen" and meditating on some of the most wonderful spiritual truth in the universe. My greatest desire is to "Enter the Kingdom" NOW! |
Sunday, 09-Sep-01 16:36:59 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 09-Sep-01 00:11:44 EDT Name: Roy Parker Email: goodwill@tone40.com
Book #1: 1500 Ways to Escape the Human Jungle Author: Vernon Howard
Book #2: Science & Health With Key to the Scriptures Author: Mary Baker Eddy
Book #3: Linda Goodman's Sun Signs Author: Linda Goodman
Comments: |
Saturday, 08-Sep-01 19:18:07 EDT Name: Joe Email: no3son@sowega.net
Book #1: The Bible Author:
Book #2: The Winter of Our Discontent Author: John Steinbeck
Book #3: The Grapes of Wrath Author: John Steinbeck
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Saturday, 08-Sep-01 18:25:11 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 08-Sep-01 13:19:00 EDT Name: Jan Sebastian Gale Email: jangale@aequilibrium.co.uk
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Saturday, 08-Sep-01 04:30:05 EDT Name: barbara stratman Email: barbstrat@webtv.net
Book #1: seven story mountain Author: thomas merton
Book #2: awareness Author: anthony de mello
Book #3: brideshead revisted Author: evelyn wall
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Thursday, 06-Sep-01 18:06:56 EDT Name: Sandi Day Email: sandi.day@blueshieldca.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Game of Life and How to Play It Author: Florence Scovall Shinn
Book #3: Acts of Faith Author: Iyanla Van Zant
Comments: I read so much, there are so many wonderful books that have guided and inspired me, but these are the three that I return to over, and over again. I love Gibran, Morrison, and the Brontes'as well. The Game of Life gives simple affirmations that are wonderful. Acts of Faith is a daily meditation book,and the Bible, what can you say? It is where Iyanla,Toni,Khalil,Florence, and everyone in between get some of their inspiration. Bless all who read!! |
Tuesday, 04-Sep-01 23:37:33 EDT Name: Jessie Email:
Book #1: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence Author: Robert Pursig
Book #2: Illusions Author: Richard Bach
Book #3: That Which You Are Seeking Is Causing You To Author: A Center for the Practice of Zen Bud. Meditation
Comments: |
Saturday, 01-Sep-01 22:32:24 EDT Name: TOM FOOTE Email: TFOOTE@MEDIAONE.NET
Book #1: Gandhi, An Autobiography; The Story of My Exp Author: Mohandas K. Gandhi
Book #2: Self Reliance--and other essays Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Book #3: Ideas and Opinions & other reflective works Author: Albert Einstein
Comments: Gandhi, An Autobiography; The Story of My Exp...eriments with Truth (Please consider making the above fields wider. Thanks.) Gandhi weighed about 100 pounds, but took a country of nearly 300 million people out from the yoke of British oppression--with tools of nonviolence, Satyagraha (clinging to Truth), and extraordinary persuasion. Later, his life's work had a huge influence on Martin Luther King (whose family dining room had Gandhi's picture hanging prominently), Nelson Mandela, and many more.
Emerson writes so heavily, so meaningfully, so profoundly, that it's tough sledding to try to read him quickly and really understand the depth and implications of what he's saying. But it's well worth the effort to read him slowly then reflect. I get more out of a page of Emerson, that I do out of many entire books I've read.
Einstein...what can you say about a guy who figures out all by himself at a very young age, with only his mind and a chalkboard, that E=MCsquared--and that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down for you--and...so much more that scientists have only much later had the equipment to prove. Time Magazine's Man of the Century.
But on top of all that, some of Einstein's best work is his reflection on the miracles around him, and social issues--all written in a form that most can understand and be inspired by. |
Monday, 27-Aug-01 23:23:24 EDT Name: Jim Email:
Book #1: The Cluetrain Manifesto Author: Levine et al
Book #2: The Bible Author: various
Book #3: Awareness Author: Anthony DeMello S.J.
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Sunday, 26-Aug-01 18:44:58 EDT Name: JAMILA JONES Email: JAMS456@MSN.COM
Thursday, 23-Aug-01 15:50:21 EDT Name: John Fraser Email: jfraser@lisp.com.au
Book #1: the aquarian gospel of jesus the christ Author: levi
Book #2: conversations with god series of books Author: neale donald walsch
Book #3: in tune with the infinite Author: ralph waldo trine
Comments: two weeks before the suicide of my son just four years ago last week, god started me on a learning curve that has been incredible the way it has unfolded. I found a 100 year old copy of the first book in an old shop that I wasnt going to go into untill something in my mind said go in there, there will be something for you. This book helped me to accept the death of my son, and as time goes on I still return to this book and more is revealed to me. Then my daughter gave me conversations with god book 1 for christmas which seemed to follow on [ this was a totally unusual choice for her] Then I came across a copy of in tune with the infinite in an old junk shop which followed on again.[ this book had never been read by anyone as all the pages had not been cut when it was produced I have just finished communion with god by walsch and I thank god for this wonderful experience. |
Sunday, 19-Aug-01 12:32:38 EDT Name: brother ernest Email:
Book #1: as a man thinketh Author: james allen
Book #2: reasoned spirituality Author: b. w. holmes
Book #3: the secret power within Author: chuck norris
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Friday, 17-Aug-01 12:43:16 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 17-Aug-01 11:52:03 EDT Name: Denise Email: denise@seascape.ns.ca
Book #1: 365 Ways to Change Your Life Author: Suzanne Somers
Book #2: Life Strategies Author: Dr. Phil MacGraw
Book #3: Something More Author: Sarah Ban Breathnach
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Friday, 17-Aug-01 08:36:52 EDT Name: linda templeton Email: ltempleton@templetontravel.com
Book #1: The Bible Author: God
Book #2: The Jesus I Never Knew Author: Philip Yancey
Book #3: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Author: Brand/Yancey
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Wednesday, 15-Aug-01 23:19:38 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Exodus Author: Leon Uris
Book #2: The Assistant Author: Bernard Malamud
Book #3: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Sunday, 12-Aug-01 15:15:09 EDT Name: Lorna Pryor Email: Lorna_Pryor@Yahoo.com
Book #1: The Tao of the Goddess Author: Joan R. Tarpley
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: This one is unique, in that it is very little. I also benefit very much from the Florence Scovil Shinn books I have read on this wonderful website, and the books of Emmet Fox and Joseph Murphy. Deepak Chopra is another helpful author. I greatly appreciate this website. |
Sunday, 12-Aug-01 09:04:18 EDT Name: Loida Reyes Email: loida_reyes@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Street Where I Live Author: Allan J. Lerner
Book #2: Runnning in the Family Author: Michael Ondaatje
Book #3: All Creatures Great and Small Author: James Herriot
Comments: These are the books I grab when I just want to relax and feel good and fall asleep later. |
Monday, 06-Aug-01 05:39:46 EDT Name: Patricia Email: Pmint999@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Game of Life Author: Florence Shinn
Book #2: Man's Search for Meaning Author: Viktor Frankl
Book #3: Art Spirit Author: Robert Henri
Comments: Books have become my most important companions. Whenever I need an answer I magically find the book that gives it. The above were all life-changing books. Also Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence. But I think Florence Shinn's The Game of Life is far and away at the top of my list. An author like her that can provide the key to living a blessed life has given a gift to humanity without measure. |
Sunday, 05-Aug-01 12:41:55 EDT Name: Robert Email: rbloch@accesscomm.ca
Book #1: jonathan livingstone seagull Author: richard bach
Book #2: you had it all the time Author: alan cohen
Book #3: think & grow rich Author: napoleon hill
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Saturday, 04-Aug-01 11:37:34 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: the holy bible Author: god
Book #2: big book Author: 100 sots
Book #3: the sermon on the mount Author: emmett fox
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Wednesday, 01-Aug-01 15:22:19 EDT Name: Dee Email: funspot@bellsouth.net
Book #1: A Confession & Other Religious Writings Author: Leo Tolstoy
Book #2: Awakening the Buddha Within Author: Lama Surya Das
Book #3: The World of Richard Stine Author: Richard Stine
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Tuesday, 31-Jul-01 16:00:45 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The Law and the Promise Author: Neville
Book #2: The Power of Awareness Author: Neville
Book #3: Awakened Imagination Author: Neville
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Tuesday, 24-Jul-01 16:41:16 EDT Name: Stephanie Email: rvarts@earthlink.net
Book #1: Jonathon Livingston Seagull Author: Richard Bach
Book #2: The Urantia Book Author: unknown
Book #3: One Author: Richard Bach
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Sunday, 15-Jul-01 10:00:45 EDT Name: Bonnie Email: bbsimons5@cs.com
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #2: Stalking the Wild Pendulum Author: Itzhak Bentov
Book #3: How to Know Higher Worlds Author: Rudolf Steiner
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Saturday, 14-Jul-01 10:56:57 EDT Name: JL Barnett Email:
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #2: Creative Visualization Author: Shakti Gawain
Book #3: The Abundance Book or The Superbeings (Tie) Author: John Randolph Price
Comments: Each of these books has helped me to realize that God, the I AM presence truely is within me. They have in effect, changed my life in many ways. |
Saturday, 14-Jul-01 10:56:57 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #2: Creative Visualization Author: Shakti Gawain
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Wednesday, 11-Jul-01 13:29:52 EDT Name: Jerry Wasielewski Email: huguy8272@aol.com
Book #1: Illusions, Reluctant Messiah Author: Richard Bach
Book #2: Jonathon Livingston Seagul Author: Richard Bach
Book #3: Modern Prophet Author: Harold Klemp
Comments: |
Monday, 09-Jul-01 17:31:56 EDT Name: Noreen Heck Email: spiritn_177@yahoo.com
Book #1: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn - 4 books Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Book #2: Your Sacred Self Author: Wayne Dyer
Book #3: You'll See It When You Believe It Author: Wayne Dyer
Comments: Florence Scovel Shinn has made the greatest difference in my life because she shows the "practical application" of spirituality in one's everyday life. When something"appears" to go wrong, just apply one of your chosen affirmations and have faith that all will be well! |
Monday, 09-Jul-01 13:06:07 EDT Name: twinkling_hopes Email: laughing_statue@yahoo.com
Book #1: thoughts & meditation Author: khalil gibran
Book #2: secrets of the heart Author: khalil gibran
Book #3: broken wings Author: khalil gibran
Comments: although i have been into books for quite a long time but the only author,poet,philosopher,painter...who has been my sole and soul inspiration is khalil gibran...from his single little quote to stories about mysteries of life...everything is beautiful and inspiring.give it a try and i guarantee it wouldnt leave u unchanged... |
Monday, 09-Jul-01 10:52:57 EDT Name: Tom M. Email:
Book #1: Alcoholics Anonymous Author:
Book #2: Sermon on the Mount Author: Emmet Fox
Book #3: The Game of Life Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Comments: Many others...Marianne Williamson's "Return to Love" belongs on the list, as does Emmet Fox's "Seven-Day Mental Diet". James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh" is a powerful book as well...but then again, most of you reading this know that already, since this site has a section devoted to the book. |
Sunday, 08-Jul-01 23:06:34 EDT Name: J. Ballard Email: cineminejb@msn.com
Book #1: The Miracle of Mind Power Author: Dan Custer
Book #2: Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life Author: Donald Curtis
Book #3: Course In Miracles Author:
Comments: The first two are older books that a friend gave me a few years ago--they have served to never fail to inspire and renew. |
Saturday, 30-Jun-01 22:00:35 EDT Name: kerry Email: rainbowlee@bigpond.com.au
Book #1: jonathan livingston seagull Author: richard bach
Book #2: conversations with god Author: neal donald walsh
Book #3: pure bliss Author: gill edwards
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Thursday, 28-Jun-01 21:23:06 EDT Name: LaDonna Email: ladonna808@aol.com
Book #1: The Road Less Traveled Author: M. Scott Peck
Book #2: Stalking the Wild Pendulum Author: Itzhak Bentov
Book #3: Simple Abundance Author: Sarah Ban Breathnach
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Wednesday, 27-Jun-01 23:11:27 EDT Name: DA Email: newabbott@ziplip.com
Book #1: Autobiography of a Yogi Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
Book #2: The Impersonal Life Author: Joseph S. Benner
Book #3: Half Asleep In Frogs Pajamas Author: Tom Robbins
Comments: Paramahansa Yogananda gave me my first taste of a GOD concept that didn't feel uncomfortable. The Impersonal Life is a wonderful little book that opened the door even wider! Everything that Tom Robbins has written has a special place in my heart, but this one just seems to hit the mark a bit more truly.Who says enlightenment isn't funny? See you in Timbuktu! |
Tuesday, 26-Jun-01 06:38:14 EDT Name: Ram Email: cheerfulis@hotmail.com
Book #1: Awaken the Gaint within Author: Anthony Robbins
Book #2: Maximum Acheivement Author: Brian Tracy
Book #3: Illusions Author: Richard Bach
Comments: These books are wonderful.They bring great distictions and insights to your lifr. |
Tuesday, 26-Jun-01 00:36:26 EDT Name: Stuart Landon Email: stuartlandon@yahoo.com
Book #1: The World According to Garp Author: John Irving
Book #2: Jonathan Livingston Seagull Author: Richard Bach
Book #3: Gypsy Author: The Memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee
Comments: Wow! These books were just "wow". |
Monday, 25-Jun-01 11:50:04 EDT Name: Julia Email: jmh107@columbia.edu
Book #1: The Divine Milieu Author: Teilhard de Chardin
Book #2: The Dialectic of Freedom Author: Maxine Greene
Book #3: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Author: Annie Dillard
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Friday, 22-Jun-01 22:21:52 EDT Name: Sherry Email: smain9385@home.com
Book #1: Any book by Elizabeth Berg Author: Berg, Elizabeth
Book #2: She's Come Undone Author: I am truly sorry, because he is great
Book #3: The Book of Ruth Author: Jane Hamilton
Comments: Elizabeth Berg is an amazing author. She has a wonderful way of putting words together, using humour and raw emotion to write about everyday life. Berg's novel about breast cancer helped me support my friend through her cancer process.
Jane Hamilton writes from the heart and helps us put life into perspective.
She's Come undone is about a woman but, is written by a man who has an incredible amount of insight and understanding. He understands the inner workings of women. Wow! |
Tuesday, 19-Jun-01 15:48:45 EDT Name: Michael Kelley Email: michaelkelley@surfree.com
Book #1: Conversations With God series Author: Neale Donald Walsch and God
Book #2: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #3: I Had It All The Time Author: Alan Cohen
Comments: |
Monday, 11-Jun-01 20:49:26 EDT Name: Deborah Email: devon@devonmusic.net
Book #1: the writings of florence scovel shinn Author: florence scovel shinn
Book #2: handle with prayer Author: alan cohen
Book #3: don't sweat the small stuff Author:
Comments: I just finished reading Handle with Prayer and I loved it so much ...I want to read other books by Alan Cohen now... |
Sunday, 10-Jun-01 19:25:56 EDT Name: geoff sandell Email: geoffsandell@start.com.au
Book #1: Awakening the Third Eye Author: Samuel Sagan
Book #2: The Synthesis of Yoga Author: Sri Aurobindo
Book #3: Man's Eternal Quest Author: Paramahansa Yoganda
Comments: A series of books from Dr Samuel Sagan open to the modern seeker the experiential wealth of esoteric and spirtual knowledge of the past. |
Sunday, 03-Jun-01 21:54:58 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Monday, 28-May-01 16:32:02 EDT Name: Don Cormier Email: saintfond@usa.net
Book #1: Atlas Shrugged Author: Ayn Rand
Book #2: Fahrenheit 451 Author: Ray Bradbury
Book #3: Juliette Author: Marquis de Sade
Comments: Although these selections present a degree of negativity, I nevertheless found them helpful in moving my awareness away from restriction and into freedom. |
Monday, 28-May-01 01:44:00 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Sunday, 27-May-01 21:25:19 EDT Name: Dawnmarie Fitzgerald Email: dmfitzgerald@earthlink.net
Book #1: How To Let God Help You Author: Myrtle Fillmore
Book #2: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Author: Simon & Schuster (publ.)
Book #3: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen
Comments: |
Sunday, 20-May-01 01:41:15 EDT Name: K. M. Email: kmann041@texas.net
Book #1: Conversations with God Book I Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Book #2: Return to Love Author: Marianne WIlliamson
Book #3: A Course in Miracles Author:
Comments: |
Friday, 18-May-01 22:58:08 EDT Name: Email:
Book #1: Author:
Book #2: Author:
Book #3: Author:
Comments: |
Thursday, 17-May-01 22:48:12 EDT Name: jaycee Email: jcastillo@doleasia.com
Book #1: Andersens' FAirytales Author: J. Andersen
Book #2: Any Chicken Soup Books Author: various authors
Book #3: The Secret of Staying In Love Author: J. Powell
Comments: Books, like friends come and go. Others will just drop by and others will leave imprints on your life. Many books have inspired me depending on what is my concern at a particular stage. These three books may be special at this point but next time, it may not be the same. Hope you will find life more meaningful as I have in reading these books. |
Tuesday, 15-May-01 10:08:48 EDT Name: Abraham Alomm Agape Email: oojoca1@uic.edu
Book #1: As a man thinketh Author: James Allen
Book #2: The Power of your subconscious mind Author: Joseph Murphy
Book #3: How to stay young Author: Christian D. Larson
Comments: Those three books are life-changing, and i would highly recommend them to anyone seeking a more fulfilling, happy and joyous life. Abraham |
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