Meet Calle - my Blue Fronted Amazon!
She is a delight. Of my two birds, she
is the talker. Her vocabulary seems to grow every day. Lately, she has
been "imitating" some really strange sounds.
So far, her vocabulary consists of:
Her memory is also remarkable. She remembers things I taught her months ago and will
say them out of the blue.
She loves to climb on the tree in the front yard. I take her outside frequently for fresh air and she LOVES to
go get the mail... In fact, she's even met the mailman!
Calle loves to play and has an entire box filled with toys. Her
favorite is a toy telephone that rattles. Of course, she also likes blocks
of wood and other toys she can sink her "beak" into :)
Amazons are great birds to say the least. They truly have wonderful personalities and are a
joy to be around.
"Whatcha doing?"
Apparently, she has been listening to our telephone conversations, for now
she will go on and on in sort of a jibberish and then laugh hilariously. In
fact, everytime the phone rings, SHE says "hello"!
"Whatcha doing pretty bird?"
"Whatcha doing Calle?"
"Hi Pretty Girl"
"Good Girl" with emphasis on the "good" :)
"Terminator" (our dog)
"No Bite"
"I love you"
"Come here..."
Kiss sound... "ahhhh... thank you"
Bellowing laughter
Beep of the answering machine
Water cooler gurgling (or dog drinking?)
Coffee Pot Brewing?? (weird knocking sound)
Wolf whistle
Conure screeches! geezzz
This is a
photo of Calle and me last summer.
** Zachary - The DYH Amazon **
The Blue Fronted Amazon Page
Michael & Sandy's Parrot Page
Pet Bird Amazon FAQ
Rudy's Page
The Amazing Amazons
The Complete Lexicon of Parrots - Amazons
Thanks so much for visiting Calle's page. Please be sure to sign my Guestbook before you leave. I'd love to hear any suggestions or comments you might have. In addition, if you have a page about Amazons, please let me know and I'd be happy to add it to my list. Thanks!
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